I'm sure you have all heard of batman and what a handsome hunk he is. Take a look and tell me if I'm wrong.

Not too shabby I must say. Now that you have basked in all his beautiful glory I would like you to feast your eyes on one of the earlier batmans.
this may be offensive to some veiwers. Veiwer descretion is advised.

YIKES that's a nasty one. I don't know about you but I say that is one nasty batman. A classic dingus, yes dingus. Lucky for him the mask did cover half of his face but that still left one of his nastiest features way out in the open. His not supple whatsoever lips. Fortunately this picture does not show them from a side view but once you see them you will be scared of lips for the rest of your life and you may have to go to a shrink. Yes they are hideous.
Lets just say, one kiss from him and you'd be drowning in a pool of soliva with little chapped flakes from his lips floating around. Talk about my worst nightmare. So ya hes got super dry plumped up lips and it looks like hes constantly drooling which is an extra nasty bonus haha.
I am so happy that they upgraded to a much hotter batman with thin and wavy luscious lips. Where would our world be today if batman wasn't hot at all. I don't even want to think about it. I actually feel sorry for our previous generation that had not hot at all batmans, that must have been torture for them and it took away all the glory of batman. Don't worry young people you will never have to stare at that wretched face ever again. Be happy and take it all in cause you never know who the next batman will be.
This is little miss sunshine signing off intil next time
the most hated blog will never rest