Vanessa Hudgens is beginning to have doubts about BF Zac Efron’s heterosexuality. (Shocker!) Vanessa is becoming unattracted to Zac’s compulsive makeup wearing and obsessive meltdowns over his weight and complexion.
A source tells Star Magazine:
“She wants to date a man, not a little girl.” “Zac can be incredibly vain, obsessing about his weight.”
Baby V was left particularly red-faced just before the 12th birthday party for her kid sister, Stella, on November 13th. Zac had a meltdown and refused to attend the affair after noticing a pimple on the side of his face.
“He just flipped out. He knew there were a bunch of girls at the party who worship him-and he didn’t want them all staring at his pimple.”
Vanessa was only able to calm Zac down after she gave him her concealer to cover up the blemish.
“Vanessa told him to stop being a sissy and freaking out when he gets blemishes. Sometimes, when he goes out, Zac even wears makeup to cover up his imperfections.”
“Vanessa doesn’t want to share makeup with her boyfriend. It makes her feel weird.”
"With full makeup, he looks gayer than a picnic basket"
"Gay, gay, gay. Just waiting for the right time to come out."
"he is as straight as a circle and as gay as michael jackson"
"yeap. i think that's true. just look at him. the way he moves.."
"Duh. Has any1 seen how he flicks his hair when he see's a guy that he thinks is hot! Idk just saying.............."
"well it looks like it."
"Yes. He was spotted making out with Joe Jonas."
So there you have it fokes, I think it's pretty clear from these sources that zac efron is at least 80% gay. I'm gonna have to go with Perez Hilton though and say that Zac is completely and utterly gay. I bet you 100000000000 gay lords a leaping that he is. And look at that hideous hair.

Oh and lets not forget what Zac Efron will soon look like when he turns 40... Talk about Nasty!

Little Miss Sunshine