Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Attack of the Concave Asian

Before I start, in case you don't know or are too lazy to look up yourself, here is the definition of Concave:
"curving inward"

Now we may begin.
Hello again my fellow readers, it’s me Aiko-chan back with another victim to “review”. We’ve got a lot more uglies to talk about so don’t even think we’re close to and end, this is just the beginning >:)! Without further ado, we are off!

I was recently reading Fruit’s Basket, an awesome shoujo manga (thanks so much little miss sunshine for letting borrow vol. 1!) when I took a moment to think Hmmm… I wonder if there are any anime characters that could possibly be ugly.

Then it came to me. Sano.

Now the anime character isn’t the ugly one, I’m talking about the Sano from the Live Drama Hana-Kimi. Omg, when I first laid eyes on him I knew that those silly casting directors had once again made a horrible mistake. *shakes head miserably*

His real name is Oguri Shun (but I like calling him Sano).Not exactly the most attractive Asian guy.

I pity him. It must suck having all the girls scared of you and only to be pitied by being used in dramas so you don’t have to be told “You are…special”. That was obviously the only reason those casting directors would have ever decided to place him as the role of Sano. I mean REALLY. Look at him!! He doesn’t look anything like the hottie from Hana-Kimi! Well…I do admit it is a tad hard to find people who look like manga characters but seriously, they could of picked a hotter guy at the very least.

Oh deary me! I’ve completely forgotten about that other little flaw that our Sano has!
But I don’t wanna hog all the fun! Let’s have Sano tell you! C’mon buddy ‘ol pal, let’s hear it!!

Pretty…straight forward I must say. Oh well, your secret is out now Sano. It’s true folks, just when you think this guy couldn’t get uglier, it turns out he has a dent in his left ab. Pretty disturbing, I know. They tried to cover it up by making him wear a shirt all the time but you know how Hana-Kimi works, there’s a lot of shirtless guys so they couldn’t let him get away with it that time and then*WHOOPS* his secret got out. That’s what those dumb directors get for letting actors get away with their uncalled-for-ugliness. (Take a look at the previous posts for proof).

Thanks again for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it! Once again, this is Aiko-Chan signing off~!

Are they Father and Daughter or are they lovers?

A question that has been haunting all of our minds ever since we saw THIS picture.

I don't know about you, but I would NEVER do that with my dad. I also knew miley was scandalous but I never thought that she would be this desperate. Since she's pretty much a man herself, she was having trouble picking up boys. So I guess she thought she might as well try her dad. And there you have it, the nastiest picture of all time. The reasons for this madness are not very clear, but I have some theories. Maybe she was becoming very confused because she's obviously going through an identity crisis with that whole hannah montana fiasco, so she found comfort in taking pictures with her dad... thats still pretty messed up but whatever, she's the one that started that whole shibang (that's right, shibang).

Speaking of Hannah Montana, it shouldn't be that difficult to choose who to be. Would you rather wear a hideous wig, wear clothes that make you look like a child molesting troll, or would you rather be yourself. I guess it doesn't even matter anyways because Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus both SUCK at singing. Lets face it, she sounds like a man, looks like a man and acts like a man. Oh and her latest hannah montana movie, now that was seriously the worst movie ever made, and it was pretty much the biggest waste of time. Why anybody would like that movie is beyond me. I would like to end by saying that Miley Cyrus is officially dubbed an Ork.


Little Miss Sunshine