I'd say that Jack Nicholson does an excellent job playing a crazy person because he's a tad insane himself. What I am still bamboozled by is why he says Here's Johnny when his name isn't even Johnny in the movie! He's a little confused and is going through an identity crisis just like Miley Cyrus... poor Johnny. She probably passed on the mental syndrome to him, he didn't even know what hit him. And we also can't forget Jack Nicholson in the super old Joker Batman Movie. That was a sight to see.

I don't know about you but I pretty much peed my pants when I saw that picture. That hideous beast could most definately give hitler a heart attack. I don't know how he allowed this picture to get on the internet. If that were my picture I would rather die than see my face looking like THAT on the computer. I would probably burrow down into a hobbit hole and never see day light for the rest of my life. So this man either has a ton of guts or he is just plain insane... lets go with the plain insane one. Because nobody in the right mind would even agree to do this movie if they had to get dressed up like that. Atleast in the new Joker Batman movie with Heath Ledger the Joker actually looks like a messed up criminal. In the old one the Joker just looks like some creepy old man pedofile clown, just like Miley Cyrus. Boy these two have so much in common :O
Not only is Jack Nicholson probably the worst actor ever, he is also one of the ugliest so therefore he deserves to be on this blog. Don't get me wrong, he does GREAT as a insane person, but theres more to life than playing a mental when you already are one. So Jack Nicholson I sentance you to check into a mental hospital by axing down the front door and screaming HERE'S JOHNNY in your absolute best miley cyrus voice.
Little Miss Sunshine
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