Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hey Girl Hey!

Okay so shoot me if I'm wrong but what has Paris Hilton done with her life? She makes a buttload of money, but for what reason? Who knows! She tries to sing but the computer sounds better so pretty much it's the computer selling all thes songs... or wait, do her songs even sell? I don't think I have ever heard one of Ms. Skankenteins songs... oops excuse me, paris hilton's songs. <.<   >.>
She tried acting and I haven't seen her in any movies, BUT I have seen her on the cover of one of those unrated movies.. so maybe skankety slut slut was in that one, or she was just posing for the cover because that's all she really does, is sit around and look pretty.

...or not...

OH! but let us not forget she did do that show where she wanted to find a BFF because she was lonely and the people she paid to be her friends already took the earliest flight to the other side of the world. Honestly who would want to be her friend besides becoming famous and getting money, why else would anybody befriend that brainless blond. Seriously you can't even have a decent conversation with her!
Friend: oh hey Par-
Paris: O - EM - GEE! I am like SO bored! Let's go watch a movie!
Friend: um, okay, which one ar-
Paris: *squeels* OO YAY!! I'm like so excited!
Friend: oh! Let's go see Inception or something cool like that!
Paris: Incep.. what? omg that word is way to long! OOOO! you know what looks like so cute!
Friend: no, wha-
Paris: CATS AND DOGS 2!!!
Friend: oh my word

That is as deep as your conversations will get. I don't know about you but after a day spent with her I would be ready shoot myself. And blonds don't take offense to this, because I'm a blond too! YAY! LOVE! <3

Okay so Paris can't sing, can't act, and is unable to carry on a normal conversation therefore can't get friends without bribing them with money.
So... what is she getting paid for? oh that's right, it's an allowance from her daddy, how could I forget that.
WELL that was a worthless blog...
Love ya like a sistah!

Little Miss Sunshine

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