Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hey Girl Hey!

Okay so shoot me if I'm wrong but what has Paris Hilton done with her life? She makes a buttload of money, but for what reason? Who knows! She tries to sing but the computer sounds better so pretty much it's the computer selling all thes songs... or wait, do her songs even sell? I don't think I have ever heard one of Ms. Skankenteins songs... oops excuse me, paris hilton's songs. <.<   >.>
She tried acting and I haven't seen her in any movies, BUT I have seen her on the cover of one of those unrated movies.. so maybe skankety slut slut was in that one, or she was just posing for the cover because that's all she really does, is sit around and look pretty.

...or not...

OH! but let us not forget she did do that show where she wanted to find a BFF because she was lonely and the people she paid to be her friends already took the earliest flight to the other side of the world. Honestly who would want to be her friend besides becoming famous and getting money, why else would anybody befriend that brainless blond. Seriously you can't even have a decent conversation with her!
Friend: oh hey Par-
Paris: O - EM - GEE! I am like SO bored! Let's go watch a movie!
Friend: um, okay, which one ar-
Paris: *squeels* OO YAY!! I'm like so excited!
Friend: oh! Let's go see Inception or something cool like that!
Paris: Incep.. what? omg that word is way to long! OOOO! you know what looks like so cute!
Friend: no, wha-
Paris: CATS AND DOGS 2!!!
Friend: oh my word

That is as deep as your conversations will get. I don't know about you but after a day spent with her I would be ready shoot myself. And blonds don't take offense to this, because I'm a blond too! YAY! LOVE! <3

Okay so Paris can't sing, can't act, and is unable to carry on a normal conversation therefore can't get friends without bribing them with money.
So... what is she getting paid for? oh that's right, it's an allowance from her daddy, how could I forget that.
WELL that was a worthless blog...
Love ya like a sistah!

Little Miss Sunshine

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ode to the Man Whore

Ohhhh it's good to be back, Little Miss Sunshine reporting for duty.
It has been a while since I have written on the most hated blog but I have returned with a new victim. Let me introduce to you..... Matthew Morrison! DUN DUN DUNNNNN *high school girls run away screaming* and so you should run, because he will approach you and "bust a move" and then you will be pregnant because he is a man whore.
So you may all know him as Will Shuester from glee, and if you haven't seen glee then here is a picture of this wretched man. (I would censor this picture but that would mean covering up his whole face so you're just gonna have to deal with the ugliness... sorry),r:18,s:0&tx=127&ty=37

yuh thats just the link to the picture so that if you have any sort of medical sickness you shouldn't look at it or you could die, because it's just downright hideous. I think Sue Sylvester says it best when she insults his store-bought home perm, here is a lovely list of excellent insults:
  • "I thought I smelled cookies wafting from the ovens of the little elves that live in your hair."
  • “I don’t trust a man with curly hair. I can’t help picturing small birds laying sulfurous eggs in there, and I find it disgusting.”
  • "find a hairstyle that doesn’t make you look like a lesbian. Love ya like a sister.”
  • "Wow, I just lost my train of thought. You have so much margarine in your hair."
  • "I'm gonna bring some Asian cookery to wipe your head with. Cause right now you've got enough product in your hair to season a wok."
And if you haven't gotten a kick out of those, there his the epic finale! the insult about the huge cleft in his chin:

“I might buy a small diaper for your chin, because it looks like a baby’s ass.”

Oh Sue, you never cease to amaze me. But those are only insults on his appearance, shall we get started on the main issue surrounding this man? Okay!
First Will was married to a very strange.. kinda psycho woman named Terry, sure she was nuts but he was married to her so he should stay committed or at least divorce her if he doesn't like her any more, but we'll get back to that later. SPOILER ALERT! So Will was becoming really good friends with another teacher named Emma, and Terry thought that she was losing Will to Emma so she pretended to be pregnant. But this didn't stop Will, oh no no no, he still continued to flirt away with Emma and he kept leading her on. Eventually when Will found out Terry wasn't pregnant and she was lying to him he left out of anger and went to Emma's wedding, but it turns out that Emma didn't get married after all.
Will took advantage of this situation and tried to seduce Emma by saying "I just left my wife" while in fact, he has not left her, and they have not discussed divorce AND they had only been "broken up" for about an hour! Shameful? I think so. But let us also explore other reasons why he is a man-whore. I won't go into too much detail but here are more reasons:
- He full out made-out with Shelby when he just met her
- He invited another woman to stay at his house and they slept in the same bed without him complaining tsk tsk
-He planned to "do the nasty" with Emma while he still wasn't completely divorced with Terry
-While practicing with his glee club at school, he starts singing songs that are completely inappropraite and starts dancing around them and touching them and it's just all really weird
-He tries to seduce Sue Sylvester (which is just super disgusting)
-And still after all of this he runs back to Emma and kisses her! That poor innocent dumpling, falling into the hands of that crafty curly haird monster, it's so sad.

So there you have it, that little turd is just as confused as they get. I hope you learned a lesson from this, never use a store-bought home perm because it will make you do weird things... or actually... just stay away from people, especially men, that have store-bought home perms haha!

Little Miss Sunshine

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Okay first I would like to apologize for not updating in a very long time. We have been very busy and in all honesty forgotten about this amazing blog. But fear no more cause we are back! And just in time cause I have thought of another very unfortunate actor!
I'm sure you have all heard of batman and what a handsome hunk he is. Take a look and tell me if I'm wrong.
Not too shabby I must say. Now that you have basked in all his beautiful glory I would like you to feast your eyes on one of the earlier batmans.

this may be offensive to some veiwers. Veiwer descretion is advised.

YIKES that's a nasty one. I don't know about you but I say that is one nasty batman. A classic dingus, yes dingus. Lucky for him the mask did cover half of his face but that still left one of his nastiest features way out in the open. His not supple whatsoever lips. Fortunately this picture does not show them from a side view but once you see them you will be scared of lips for the rest of your life and you may have to go to a shrink. Yes they are hideous.
Lets just say, one kiss from him and you'd be drowning in a pool of soliva with little chapped flakes from his lips floating around. Talk about my worst nightmare. So ya hes got super dry plumped up lips and it looks like hes constantly drooling which is an extra nasty bonus haha.

I am so happy that they upgraded to a much hotter batman with thin and wavy luscious lips. Where would our world be today if batman wasn't hot at all. I don't even want to think about it. I actually feel sorry for our previous generation that had not hot at all batmans, that must have been torture for them and it took away all the glory of batman. Don't worry young people you will never have to stare at that wretched face ever again. Be happy and take it all in cause you never know who the next batman will be.

This is little miss sunshine signing off intil next time

the most hated blog will never rest

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Hidden Gay

I'm sure you've all heard many rumors about Zac Efron. There is a debate going on about a very important topic... is he gay? I say that he's as gay as Elton John braiding Little Richard's hair sittin' on a rainbow. Which is pretttyyy gay. Take a look at this. And if you still don't think he's gay after reading this, then don't worry there are many more sources.

Vanessa Hudgens is beginning to have doubts about BF Zac Efron’s heterosexuality. (Shocker!) Vanessa is becoming unattracted to Zac’s compulsive makeup wearing and obsessive meltdowns over his weight and complexion.

A source tells Star Magazine


“She wants to date a man, not a little girl.” “Zac can be incredibly vain, obsessing about his weight.”

Baby V was left particularly red-faced just before the 12th birthday party for her kid sister, Stella, on November 13th. Zac had a meltdown and refused to attend the affair after noticing a pimple on the side of his face.

“He just flipped out. He knew there were a bunch of girls at the party who worship him-and he didn’t want them all staring at his pimple.

Vanessa was only able to calm Zac down after she gave him her concealer to cover up the blemish.

“Vanessa told him to stop being a sissy and freaking out when he gets blemishes. Sometimes, when he goes out, Zac even wears makeup to cover up his imperfections.”

“Vanessa doesn’t want to share makeup with her boyfriend. It makes her feel weird.”

Lets look at some answers to the question: Is Zac Efron Gay?

With full makeup, he looks gayer than a picnic basket"

"Gay, gay, gay. Just waiting for the right time to come out."

"he is as straight as a circle and as gay as michael jackson"

"yeap. i think that's true. just look at him. the way he moves.."

"Duh. Has any1 seen how he flicks his hair when he see's a guy that he thinks is hot! Idk just saying.............."

"well it looks like it."

"Yes. He was spotted making out with Joe Jonas."

So there you have it fokes, I think it's pretty clear from these sources that zac efron is at least 80% gay. I'm gonna have to go with Perez Hilton though and say that Zac is completely and utterly gay. I bet you 100000000000 gay lords a leaping that he is. And look at that hideous hair.

Oh and lets not forget what Zac Efron will soon look like when he turns 40... Talk about Nasty!


Little Miss Sunshine

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Heeeeere's Johnny

So let us take a moment to pay our respects to the absolute best part in The Shining.

I'd say that Jack Nicholson does an excellent job playing a crazy person because he's a tad insane himself. What I am still bamboozled by is why he says Here's Johnny when his name isn't even Johnny in the movie! He's a little confused and is going through an identity crisis just like Miley Cyrus... poor Johnny. She probably passed on the mental syndrome to him, he didn't even know what hit him. And we also can't forget Jack Nicholson in the super old Joker Batman Movie. That was a sight to see.

I don't know about you but I pretty much peed my pants when I saw that picture. That hideous beast could most definately give hitler a heart attack. I don't know how he allowed this picture to get on the internet. If that were my picture I would rather die than see my face looking like THAT on the computer. I would probably burrow down into a hobbit hole and never see day light for the rest of my life. So this man either has a ton of guts or he is just plain insane... lets go with the plain insane one. Because nobody in the right mind would even agree to do this movie if they had to get dressed up like that. Atleast in the new Joker Batman movie with Heath Ledger the Joker actually looks like a messed up criminal. In the old one the Joker just looks like some creepy old man pedofile clown, just like Miley Cyrus. Boy these two have so much in common :O
Not only is Jack Nicholson probably the worst actor ever, he is also one of the ugliest so therefore he deserves to be on this blog. Don't get me wrong, he does GREAT as a insane person, but theres more to life than playing a mental when you already are one. So Jack Nicholson I sentance you to check into a mental hospital by axing down the front door and screaming HERE'S JOHNNY in your absolute best miley cyrus voice.

Little Miss Sunshine

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hairy Potty

All of you love the Harry Potter series no doubt ‘cause I certainly do. Except for one little smidgen of a problem has given Harry Potter a bad name and that name my friends is Daniel Radcliffe. Also known as the creepy bird/frog man. Why you ask? Look at his face. It looks like a bird combined with a frog…disturbing much. I have absolutely no clue why those casting directors chose this creature for Harry Potter, seriously, they should of given more thought to which actor should play HP.

This is what Daniel will look like in 40 years…

Scary huh? Well it’s the truth folks, that’s what Harry Potter will look like in the near future. Anyways, on with the review. For those of you who don’t know, Radcliffe played a naked guy in a play called Equus (which means horse in Latin). Well…since the pictures are too grotesque to look at, I will not put them up here …well….I guess I could put them on here but I’ll have to block out the crack because it’s too monstrous to see without censoring.


If you just puked your guts out, that it completely normal because I just did that as well. And I know what you’re thinking (OMG how could she STAND editing the censorship in that picture??!?! That means she would have to see his -) Yes, I had to see his gluteus maximus. I had medical support beside though so I they literally saved my life a couple times when my heart stopped from the ugliness. As you can see in the picture following, Daniel Radcliffe has sexual relationships with a horse. And to make it worse, he’s a gay because I’m pretty sure that horse is a male.

Absolutely mortifying. That’s all I can say. I still can’t believe people actually find it (radcliffe) attractive. I pity those who do because they obviously have never seen these pictures. To sum everything up, Daniel Radcliffe is ugly, stupid, annoying, dorky, zero acting skills, and he is gay.
That’s all I have to say <--- this rhymes teehee :)

Hope you all enjoyed my post about the hideous Daniel Radcliffe, see you soon in my next post!!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Ultimate Human Stink Bomb

I'm sure you have all heard of those fart sprays and stink bombs and all that stuff, but im also pretty sure that none of those even compare to the reaking stench of the greasy human that does not shower. Robert Pattinson, also known as Edward Cullen from the popular twilight series. I don't know about you guys, but I thought that Edward Cullen was supposed to be a well groomed, clean gentleman; which is pretty much the opposite of Robert Pattinson. He is stinky, his hair is greasy, he doesn't shave, and he is quite the nasty. When I read the Twilight books I pretty much fell head over heals for Edward, don't laugh because I'm pretty sure 99% of girls did. So when I found out that Robert Pattinson was playing Edward I freaked out! He is SO ugly. But I tried to remain calm and tried to picture Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter. He was clean and sort of seemed like a creepy vampire type of person. But then I read that fateful MSN article that informed me that he does not shower and he reaks. So now I know why he always looks so rancid.

So, if you find that creature hot.. then you better go to the doctor and get a check up because oh dear.... if only looks could kill. His ugliness would be the weapon of mass destruction. Again the casting directors made a massive mistake. They probably just wanted to pick the hottest hobo from the street and cast him as Edward Cullen. Or they just had a competition with the casting directors who made Toby Maguire Spider man to see which one of them could pick the ugliest character. I didn't really ike Jacob in the Twilight books, but the movies are slowly changing my mind because Jacob is just soo much better looking than Edward in the movies so it's really making me mad. So Robert Pattinson I sentance you to take a year long shower to make up for all the days you never did, and I sentance you to apologize to your make up artists that had to cover up your greasiness and hideousness. Oh and they also had to shave your beard because obviously you can't do that either. AND I also sentance you to try grooming a hobo to see how your make up artists feel.


Little Miss Sunshine